I finally went to the see a doctor and had x-rays performed on my knee. He agreed that I had injured the tendon and that there was a lot of inflammation in the entire knee. He told me to take a double dose of Naproxen for 6 weeks and gave me a bunch of knee exercises to do. Wow, and I paid him how much to tell me that? Anyway, thankfully, after several weeks the pain was mostly gone. Naproxen unfortunately, is a drug that is on the "dangerous to your health" list if you take it for too long. So the doctor told me not to take it for more than 6 weeks. My knee did feel much better though for a while.
However, once I came off of the Naproxen, the pain and inflammation began to come back. The exercises had helped too by strengthening the muscles around my knee but it was still pretty sore. But it was at least some better than it was before I had gone to the doctor. So I just put up with the pain and if it got really bad, I would take Naproxen again for a day or two.
Then one day months later, I went to my brothers house and he excitedly told me that the pain he had been suffering from for years from a neck injury was nearly completely gone. He told me that he had been drinking a fruit juice called Mona vie for a few weeks. He told me all about the acai berry and it's benefits. So I bought a few bottles from him to try out and much to my surprised I immediately began to feel it's effects. The pain in my knee slowly began to disappear and I had this energy I had not felt in 20 years. I had not changed my diet or activity level at all at this point. I just started drinking the juice. I also begin to noticed that the skin rashes I had been putting up with for years began to disappear.
I was sold and began to drink the juice daily!
During that time in my life, I was taking medications for allergy, asthma, high blood pressure, and pain. I felt like a frigging pharmacy. However, I'm now happy to say that I am completely off of all medications and I've lost 50 pounds in the past 7 months to boot. I'm not saying that the acai cured me of these problems. I did a lot of other work on my own too, like exercise. What I am saying is the Mona vie and the acai, and now other pure acai products I buy, gave my body the necessary nutrients and fuel to properly heal itself. Acai isn't a drug it's a super food.
The best thing I've gained by far from all of this, is what I've learned about myself and how critically important good nutrition is to maintaining great health and energy. Did you know that if you're not getting enough anti-oxidant in your diet, then you are slowly loosing the battle. I now eat an organic and mostly vegetarian diet. When I switched to this diet, I started to loose weight immediately. If you are having issues with inflammation and pain or sleep get a natural organic anti oxidant supplement with acai berry. I've been taking acai every day now for the past year and I couldn't be happier about it.
What I've learned is that our diet and our food supply in the U.S. is pretty terrible. All the preservatives, additives, pesticides, and hormones and the lack of anti-oxidant in our food supply are making us weak, rapidly aging us, and making us sick. The incidence of illness in the U.S. has increased remarkably in the last 40 years and even children are now getting cancer and diabetes at an alarming rate. That kind of illness in children was almost unheard of when I was a child 40 years ago. I'm am now a permanent user of acai products and I've never felt better in 30 years. If you interested in more info on the acai berry, check out the links. Those are the products I buy and they are all extremely high quality products.
Sambazon Organic Acai
Learn more about the incredible Acai Berry.
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