Friday, October 24, 2008

Why is the Acai Berry so amazing?

In alternative health, açaí is all the rage. While relatively new to the American consciousness, açaí has been around for centuries and has helped many people with its healthful qualities. In order to benefit completely from açaí, however, one must truly understand what it is and what it does.

What is Açaí?
Açaí is a distinct purple berry indigenous to the Amazon rainforest. The açaí fruit may be found in some of the large palm trees that grow in the thick forest; these trees can reach as high as 82 feet! Unlike cherries, which grow individually in trees, the açaí berry grows in bunches, more like bananas. One average, each palm tree can yield anywhere from three to eight bunches.

What's so great about açaí?
You might say açaí is fast becoming known as a wonder food for its versatility. Açaí has nutrient properties and is naturally rich in:

* Omega fats (the good kind, unlike the saturated fats found in fast food)
* amino acids
* electrolytes
* antioxidants
* protein
* vitamins A, B1 and E
* minerals

Only in recent years have people in North America discovered how açaí makes them feel energetic and healthy. Not only are consumers finding the benefits of açaí to their interest, but researchers and the media are amazed by the power of this small berry. NBC's Today did a feature story on açaí in 2004, and more recently researchers at the University of Florida tested the attributes of açaí to discover it actually destroyed cultured leukemia cells!

Will açaí cure cancer?
We can't say for certain. All we know is that açaí possesses some very strong health properties that may benefit people in the long run.

Does açaí cause any side effects?
Current research indicates no known side effects to taking açaí in any form. Though açaí has been around for ages, it is still quite new to the United States, and no doubt is still being observed by health professionals. However, the testimony of the overall health of the Amazonian people speaks well for this little fruit with big potential.

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